Biohazards - Pandemic Crisis1.2.5

A Retro Pandemic Crisis Game

Pandemics are transmissible diseases that have found their way into every country of the world and containing them is proving to be a challenge for every country in the world. Pandemics are normally thought of as apocalyptic scenarios for mankind with the pandemic leaving death and destruction in its wake. Pandemic crisis games are normally excellent as they offer gamers the chance to somehow get the satisfaction of fighting or killing off the pandemic causing disease/virus. Biohazards – Pandemic Crisis is a game of a similar kind that has been developed by Bio-Studio with a similar purpose in mind. Let's take a look at this pandemic crisis game to see what the game gets right and what it gets wrong.


The game starts off directly with the storyline so you are indulged in the gaming process as soon as you have launched the app after installing it. Biohazards – Pandemic crisis narrates a story of death and destruction as the disease has spread so far that it is killing people everywhere with no cure in sight. You are narrated the story by a mysterious doctor who supposedly has the cure. The doctor tells you, the gamer, that you have also been infected and will die without the doctor's cure. The cure is basically a weapon that will be deployed inside the body with the gamer needed to use the weapons to defeat the biohazard inside.


The game provides a tutorial about the weapons and the controls so that you can start off on the right foot. There are basically different kind of weapons available and you need to use them effectively in order to kill as much of the virus as possible in your body. The weapons can be bought and upgraded from the in-game currency earned by destroying the virus as much as possible. The tutorial tries to explain the purpose of the two sections other the game itself i.e. "Gotcha" and "Weapon". The Gotcha option, however, seemingly serves no purpose or does something that the game fails to explain. The Weapon option is clearer and you can decide on the three weapons that you want in your armory and how much you want to upgrade before playing any particular round.
The gameplay of the pandemic crisis game is very retro in its approach. You are provided with a weapon that fires all the time and you need to move it from side to side to hit as many of the viruses as possible. The gameplay would certainly remind many of the handheld gaming consoles that had a number of games that used the same approach. The viruses evolve and become more dangerous but there seemingly is no target other than to score as much as possible within a 30 second gaming period. This is slightly confusing as the 30 second period is very small and there is seemingly no way you can increase the time to kill more viruses within one gaming session.


The graphics are simple with the virus appearing generic in nature while the weaponry and their firing capabilities also very generic. The music in the game is very classical in nature and is perfect for its gaming environment.


  • Different kinds of viruses
  • Fantastic variety in weapons and their firing capabilities
  • Good gaming environment
  • Nice background music
  • Good explanation of the storyline at the start of the game


Biohazards – Pandemic Crisis is an interesting game that brings a retro feel to the fore with its gameplay. The pandemic crisis game is, however, limited in its gameplay but if you want to go on a virus killing spree to vent some of your rage, this game would prove effective.

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Updated At: 2024-10-04
Publisher: Bio-Studio
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free